

Soccer training sessions or league games may be canceled in advance of a session due to weather/field conditions:

  • Fields may be closed by the City of Edina, generally by 3pm weekdays.
  • ESC Staff may close fields to play due to field conditions if needed to protect the important assets that are our grass fields.
  • If there is obvious severe weather arriving during training sessions or games, ESC may cancel individual sessions and direct coaches/managers

If a session is to be canceled, it will be communicated by 3 pm that day, either directly from ESC staff to families, or through the coach and team manager.

Outdoor soccer training sessions or league games may be canceled during a session due to weather conditions:

  • Visible lightning strikes will produce a 30-minute delay (managed by the referee during a game, or coach during a practice), during which people should seek shelter, generally in cars.
  • Otherwise unsafe playing conditions may cause a session to end early; please be alert to your player’s team communication app during inclement weather.

Indoors/Winter Weather

Indoor soccer training sessions or league games may be canceled in advance of a session due to weather conditions:

  • Facilities can be closed by the City of Edina
  • Obvious severe weather arriving during training sessions, making transportation difficult, may result in ESC staff canceling a session or delivering an advisory.

If a session or game is to be canceled, it will be communicated as early as possible that day, either directly from ESC staff to families, or through the coach and team manager.