Team Managers

Team Managers are parent volunteers who assist the team coach with team calendars, communication, social events (can be delegated to another team parent) and tournament planning. 

All team managers must pass a background check every two years and complete the required SafeSport online training every year (this is Federal law for adults who have leadership positions with youth and is enforced by US Club Soccer).

ESC’s staff (primarily the Team Manager Director) will create each team’s TeamSnap roster and calendar of training sessions. Team Managers will be responsible for adding league (TCSL and NPL) games to the team calendar when games schedules are released each season. Some league games may require rescheduling; Team Managers coordinate that effort on behalf of the team (in coordination with the coach).

Team Managers lead the planning of tournament selection and registration (for most teams, this begins in January for April - July events; a few teams participate in October or February travel events).

Depending on the coach (some may do much of this themselves), Team Managers will produce consistent communication with the team families and coach by email and group messages - generally schedule reminders, answer questions, surveying families for tournament selection, last minute schedule changes, etc.

The hope is that the Team Manager is a particularly well-informed member of the ESC Community for the rest of the team families, and can reach back to the Team Manager Director or Operations Director when there is a question or concern relayed from a team parent that did not got to the Director staff directly.